Vanja Marić Kovačević – Tribal tehnique

– Tribal tehnique by Vanja Grofica –

Na ovoj radionici radićemo tehniku Tribal fusion stilla, koju će Vanja pripremiti specijalno za naš ovogodišnji festival. Kako bi ste poboljšali vašu tehniku Tribal fusion-a, radiće se razne vježbe za mišiće koje možda do sada i niste koristili i zato ova radionica može biti jako korisna za vas.Ako imate problema sa radvajanjem gornjeg i donjeg dijela tijela (sa izolacijama) tokom plesa ovo je idealna radionica za vas! Za kraj Vanja će napraviti par kombinacija s kojima će začiniti ovu radionicu! Kombinacije će biti u njenom prepoznatljivom stilu koji je definitivno čini drugačijom od ostalih.


Vanja Grofica Maric Kovacevic has been active Oriental dancer ever since 2009. Back then she started cooperating with Kazo Group. She went later to perform in Banja Luka’s National Theathre (September, 2009), then at Sarajevo Film Feastival and other places in BiH. In early 2010.Vanja become a member of Oriana&Oria Dance Studio in Banjaluka lead by Kala Shadi (February 2010. – February 2017.). In February 2017.Vanja started her own school of dance named Mafdet, together with her dance friend Ines Bejtić.Now she haves two groups, Oriental Mafdet and Tribal Fusion Mafdet. She is also proud Zumba fitness instructor of two groups in Banja luka , 4 years from now. Vanja is perfecting both styles, (Oriental & Tribal Fusion), both of them have special place in her hearth because of its unique magic components. She often likes to point out that people should try and do more in life, in order to find out what they truly love, as for her, Vanja truly loves Dance. For her it is the unique and somewhat only and best way to express howshe actually feels.Immense support she haves from her beloved Husband Danijel, as well as her parents. Vanja’s awards: 1st place Dance Fest Novi Sad with Moss group O&O 2013.year, 1st place at Dance Fest Novi Sad with Dina group O&O 2014.year, 1st place at Dance Fest Novi Sad Solo category 2014.year, 3rd place at Inter Dance Fest Sarajevo Solo category 2015.year, 3rd place at Oriental Fairytales in Belgrade Rising Star category 2016.year, 1st place at Oriental Love in Belgrade Princess category 2017.year, 3rd place at Oriental Love festival in Belgrade with Trio Fantastico group, 2nd place at Oriental Fairytales in Belgrade Fusion category 2018.year and 1st place at Venus festival in Greece Fusion category 2018.year.

She is a frequent visitor of Dance workshops, how at home as well as abroad. Here is a list of people Vanja has had a chance to both learn from and work with: Oriental WS – Tito Seif, Randa Kamel,Mohamed Kazafy,Anna Borisova, Mercedes Nieto, Wael Mansour, Aleksei Riaboshapka, Prince Kayamer/Anastasios Kokkotas, Dariya Mitshkevich, Leila Oriental, Diva Darina, Marta Korzun, Nika Mlakar, Jamilah, Kathreen Derouet, Camilla Lombardi, Elena Dahabeya, Nadia Stoykova, Julia Farid Torgonska, Bartos Noemi, Martina Tellini, Kristina Derkach, Marta Abir Lencer, Leandro Ferreyra, Pablo Acosta, Amir Thaleb, Ali Nejm, Marina Oganyan, Artem Uzunov, Anjela Atanasova, Amra Smajić, Tanja Mirić, Inessa Aruena, Mateja Mikulan, Nikolina Nina Meral, Iris Bellyrina, Gordana Mincic ex Stevanovic, etc. Tribal WS: Rachel Brice, Sharon Kihara, Manca Pavli, Illan Riviere, Giulio Dillemi, Susan Frankovich, Violet Scrap, Olga Meos, Josefine Wandel, Paola Blanton, Kala Shadi etc.

Ana Apsaradha – Bollywood


Ana Apsaradha (Ana Jug), pleše od predškolske dobi. Suvremeni ples kod pedagoginje Mile Rackov petnaestak godina, Indijski ples kod velike Uma Sharme u New Delhiju, odlazi na privatne sate orijentalnog plesa Seme Yildiz u Istanbul.. Logični nastavak te izobrazbe jest pokretanje vlastite plesne škoole Apsaradhe koju uspješno vodi zadnjih trinaest godina ostvarivši brojne predstave, nastupe i suradnje. ono po čemu se može prepoznati njezin plesni stil jest zanimljiv način suprožimanja različitih a opet srodnih po prirodnosti i karakternosti, plesova Istoka i Zapada

” Neka se ples nauči donekle pravilno, poštujući nasljeđe, a onda neka se kroji na svoj način, poštujući sebstvo”, njezino je geslo rada.

Katerina Joumana – Ballet basics in oriental/Oriental choreography


performing artist, choreographer, dance school owner.

Katerina started her dance education at the age of 5 with classical ballet. Having finished ballet school in her home town of Baikonur, Kazakhstan , she moved to Moscow, Russia, where she had worked for several state dance companies.

Committed to life-long learning, Katerina continued to perfect her ballet technique over the years, studied modern/contemporary dance and bodywork (the Feldenkrais method of somatic education).

Having fallen in love with Oriental/Middle-Eastern dance in 2004, Katerina devoted her career to this art form, won 7 international dance competitions and founded her  professional dance company “Joumana Dance Show”, which has been performing to ever increasing audiences with around 100-180 yearly shows for more than 10 years now.

Her teaching carrier includes 19 years of teaching classical ballet and 15 years of teaching oriental dance to women of all ages and backgrounds, from professional dancers to beginners.

Having performed solo and with the company on four continents, Katerina relies on the traditional Middle-earstern dance and musical forms. However at the same time she gives them a contemporary touch, mixing the traditional with contemporary, working with various musicians and creating inspiring choreographies. She sees oriental dance as an art form, sending the message of not only beauty and elegance, but also acceptance, appreciation of various cultures, being open to new creative ideas and finding one’s true potential.

Katerina Joumana currently resides in Vienna, Austria, where she opened her dance school in 2015. She teaches classical ballet and middle-eastern dance to the new generations of dancers. She enjoys the transformative effect of dance on her students and continuing to learn from them. She manages and choreographs for her dance company, as well as travels extensively to teach and perform in various countries.