Egzotičnost polinezijskih plesova i senzualnost orijentalnog plesa stvorili su kombinaciju imena Bellynesian, stil koji je u sebi objedinio dva plesa tako strašću slična, zamjetljive i izražajne tehnike, koju specifični kostimi koje plesačice Bellynesiana nose čine jedinstvenom ženstvenom kombinacijom . Bellynesian slavi moć žene, privlačnih zbog kostima i plesne kombinacije, ali najviše zbog ritma i duha koji ustvari zadržava oko publike.
Idejna začetnica ovog stila je Sonia Ochoa.
Autor: Irena Sertić-Shireen
The exoticity of the Polynesian dances and the sensuality of the Oriental dance created a combination of the name Bellynesian, a style that combined the two dances with such passionately similar, noticeable and expressive technique that the specific costumes that Bellynesian dancers wear make it a unique feminine combination. The Bellynesian celebrates the power of a woman, alluring because of the costume and dance combination, but most of all because of the rhythm and spirit that actually keeps her around the audience.
The originator of this style is Sonia Ochoa.
Author: Irena Sertic- Shireen