
Bellywood je vrlo mlada fuzija, nastala kao spoj orijentalnog plesa i sve popularnijeg plesa indijske kinematografije – Bollywooda. Ovaj stil je sve popularniji među plesačima, zato što spaja senzualnost Orijenta i živahni Bollywood, a može biti i posebno začinjen elementima folklora. Pleše se uz numere iz filmova bolivudske produkcije i ne postoje određena pravila za izgled kostima – dokle god sadrži elemente obje kulture.

Preuzeto od: Marina Stevanović (Marina Panna- Bollywood plesna škola)




Bellywood is a very young fusion, created as a blend of Oriental dance and the increasingly popular dance of Indian cinema – Bollywood. This style is increasingly popular with dancers because it combines the sensuality of the Orient and lively Bollywood, and can be especially spiced up with elements of folklore. They dance to tracks from Bollywood films and there are no specific rules for the appearance of costumes – as long as it contains elements of both cultures.

Retrieved from: Marina Stevanović (Marina Panna- Bollywood Dance School)