Osim različitih stilova arapskog plesa ili bliskoistočnog plesa, postoje i spojevi trbušnog plesa s različitim plesnim formama. Jedan od njih je spoj trbušnog plesa s flamenkom, koji se naziva i Zambra Mora kao oblik flamenco glazbe s bliskoistočnim melodijama i ritmom, koji se pjeva ili svira na gitari. Majstor gitare Sabicas (1912. – 1990.) je taj koji je dao ime ovoj formi flamenco glazbe, popularizirao je i razvio.
Ovaj plesni izričaj prenosili su Romi od Španjolske do Sjeverne Afrike. Kroz pokret se u ovom plesu izražavaju borba i nepravda koju romski narod stoljećima trpi te bol i ljubav. Odličan je za pravilno i lijepo držanje tijela. Najzastupljeni su pokreti ruku i dlanova, a potom varijacije okreta te konačno iznošenje emocija kroz neforsiranu mimiku.
Zambra Mora ima isto ponosno držanje flamenca: floreos (izolirane rotacije zapešća), ali s mekšim šakama i rukama. Može se plesati bos. Od arapskog plesa, Zambra Mora preuzima fluidnost pokreta, shimmije i krugove bokovima i grudima. Ne postoje oštri ili brzi pokreti kukovima, već valoviti i meki pokreti kukova s povremenim spuštanjem kuka.
Kostimi uključuju široku suknju s volanima oko rubova i s mnogo slojeva donje suknje, koja se može koristiti kao bolero te maramu na bokovima s novčićima ili bez njih.
Također, plesač može svirati zills (činele).
In addition to different styles of Arabic dance or Middle Eastern dance, there are also combinations of belly dance with different dance forms. One of them is the combination of belly dancing with flamenco, also called Zambra Mora as a form of flamenco music with Middle Eastern melodies and rhythm, which is sung or played on the guitar. Guitar master Sabicas (1912 – 1990) is the one who gave this form of flamenco music its name, popularized and developed it.
This dance expression was carried by Roma people from Spain to North Africa. Through movement, this dance expresses the struggle and injustice that the Roma people have suffered for centuries, as well as pain and love. It is excellent for proper and beautiful body posture. The most common are hand and palm movements, followed by turn variations and finally the expression of emotions through unforced facial expressions.
Zambra Mora has the same proud flamenco posture: floreos (isolated wrist rotations), but with softer hands and arms. You can dance barefoot. From Arabic dance, Zambra Mora takes fluidity of movement, shimmies and circles of hips and breasts. There are no sharp or fast hip movements, but undulating and soft hip movements with occasional hip drop.
Costumes include a wide skirt with frills around the edges and many layers of underskirt, which can be used as a bolero, and a scarf on the hips with or without coins.
Also, the dancer can play zills (cymbals).