Afro oriental pleše se na modernu ili izvornu muziku, koja sadrži ritualni ritmove i instrumente, koji imitiraju zvuk svemira Om te također zvukove iz prirode. Svaka koreografija posvećena je povezivanju s elementima prirode – u tijelu i izvan njega. Tijekom plesa plesači se izrazito fokusiraju, što je bitno za svakog plesača.
Koriste se ritualni i moderni pokrete, koji aktiviraju i usmjeravaju vitalnu energiju prema tome sto je bitno za plesače u tom trenutku: iscjeljenje, sreća, ljubav, prosperitet i najbitnije – život u svojoj transcedentnoj ljepoti.
Autor: Victoria Kozubova
Afro oriental dances to modern or original music, which contains ritual rhythms and instruments that mimic the sound of the Om universe and also sounds from nature. Each choreography is dedicated to connecting with the elements of nature – inside and outside the body. During the dance, the dancers are very focused, which is important for every dancer.
They use ritual and modern movements, which activate and direct vital energy to what is essential to the dancers at that moment: healing, happiness, love, prosperity and most importantly – life in its transcendent beauty.
Author: Victoria Kozubova