Wasim Alkhatib – WS Dabke

Wasim Alkhatib:  artistic director, choreographer, screenwriter, director.

Several years collaborated with the Rozana group as a dancer and choreographer, co-creator.

He later founded his own groupe HAIFA, in which he teaches and trains dancers and choreographers for the Arabic dance of Dabke.

Dabke is the most widespread folk dance in the Middle East. It is a very bouncy dance, in which one kicks the floor to the rhythms of the music.

It is an important part of the cultural heritage and is part of everyday life and socializing, so it means much more to people than just dancing.


Wasim Alkhatib:  umjetnički direktor, koreograf, scenarist, redatelj.

Više godina surađuje s grupom Rozana kao plesač i koreograf sukreator.

Kasnije osniva vlastitu grupu HAIFA u kojoj podučava i obučava plesače i koreografe arapskom plesu Dabke.

Dabke je najrasprostranjeniji narodni ples na Bliskom istoku. To je vrlo skakutav ples u kojem se udara nogama o pod u ritmovima glazbe.

Važan je dio kulturne baštine i dio je svakodnevnog života i druženja, pa ljudima znači puno više od samog plesa.


Dabke is an Arabic folk dance. It is most widespread with minor variations in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine and northern Saudi Arabia. It is most often danced at weddings and other celebrations, even at football matches. It is danced in a circle and in a row. It is danced by men and women, mixed or separately. The leader of the “dabka” leads a line of dancers. It is a very bouncy dance where the feet are pounded on the floor to the beat of the music. It originates from the fertility ritual of the ancient Canaanites and reflects accelerated growth. It was used to ward off bad forces and protect the sown seeds and crops.

It is an important part of the folkloric heritage of the Middle East and means much more to people than just dance. After all, it is part of everyday life and associations, as well as their cultural and folk heritage.


Dabke je arapski narodni ples. Najrašireniji je s manjim varijacijama u Libanonu, Jordanu, Iraku, Siriji, Palestini i sjevernoj Saudijskoj Arabiji, s manjim varijacijama u načinu izvedbe. Najčešće se pleše na svadbama i drugim proslavama pa čak i na nogometnim utakmicama!

Pleše se u kolu i u nizu, a izvode ga muškarci i žene, mješovito ili odvojeno. Vođa  dabke plesa predvodi kolonu plesača. To je ples s dosta poskakivanja, u kojem se nogama udara o pod u ritmu glazbe. Potječe iz rituala plodnosti drevnih Kanaanaca i prikazuje svojevrstan ubrzan rast. Služio je za tjeranje zlih sila i zaštitu posijanog sjemena i usjeva.

Važan je dio folklorne baštine Bliskog istoka i ljudima znači mnogo više od samog plesa. Uostalom, to je dio svakodnevnog života, te kulturne i narodne baštine.

Wasim Alkhatib, dobro nam došao!
