Trbušni ples slavi trudnoću, porod i majčinstvo/Belly dance celebrates pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood – Ana Jug (Apsaradha)

Ples je moj život. Jedino što zaista poznajem je osjećaj uzvišenog zadovoljstva koji me ispunjava dok plešem ili grlim svoju djecu. U mojem svijetu umjetnost pokreta i umjetnost majčinstva dosta su bliske, ako ne i istovjetne. Radi se o trenutku stvaranja, u oba slučaja. Jer dužnost nas, koji smo odgovorni za prenošenje određene plesne priče ili gena, velika je i rijetka čast. Majke, umjetnice, mogu se smatrati svojevrsnim svećenicama, pjesnikinjama, pripovjedačima koje u procesu stvaranja ili održavanja ljubavi same posežu u stanja oduševljenja. Također vjerujem da je svaki put traženja ili izražavanja duše prihvačajuć, i ako nismo umjetnici ili roditelji, budući da nam je svima ultimativni cilj samo biti sretan, donekle. Od davnina se praksa plesa, pogotovo u bogatim kulturama Indije i Orijenta, smatrala jednom od najviših formi vježbanja joge tj. povezanosti s duhovnim blaženstvom. Ples prije i poslije trudnoće Uloga majke, koja je trenutno okupirala sve moje slobodno vrijeme, ranije uloženo u vježbu ili kontemplaciju, sada me stavlja pred nove izazove kako biti dobar roditelj. Kako biti dobar plesač već otprilike znam, suze, krv i znoj te upornost viđena kod ugroženih vrsta te tu i tamo kapljice nektara blaženstva… U ulozi majke, taj me nektar stalno oblijeva, ali isto tako i izazovi koji me dočekaju svaki dan s mojim vragolanima. Ples prije trudnoće bio je prizivanje partnerske ljubavi, ples u trudnoći bio je prizivanje božanske sile za pomoć oko poroda, a ples poslije trudnoće sada me konačno vraća mome istinskom ja, meni kao realiziranoj majci, ženi i umjetnici. Mislim da više ne trebam tražiti, dobila sam najveće darove, i hvala Plesu koji mi se smilovao na tome. U skladu s prirodom ženskog tijela i duha Trbušni ples jedan je od najdrevnijih oblika zapisane plesne umjetnosti ikad. Nalazimo ga još u vrijeme stare kulture Mezopotamije, gdje su ga izvodile izabrane posvećenice u slavu Majke Zemlje, Kozmičke Žene-Majke; ženske strane Apsoluta, nježnije strane Krajnjeg ili Čistog Čina.

Namjena je više nego očita: glorifikacija ženstvenosti, zaljubljenosti i ljubavi, trudnoće, poroda, majčinstva, radosti i tuge, skrušenosti i ponosa, osamljenosti i zajedništva… Trbušni ples je sasvim u skladu s prirodom ženskog tijela i duha. Povoljan je za mišićnu strukturu i za ženske kosti i zglobove te za unutarnje organe, što je u potpunosti u funkciji kontroliranih pokreta cijelog tijela. Trbušni ples oslobađa od stresa, utječe na pozitivno razmišljanje i otvara u nama svjetove neotkrivene, a intencionalno stalno prisutne. Svjetove u kojima žena vrijedi upravo iz razloga što je aktualna i istinska u svojoj ženstvenosti, i to je taj izvor njezine istinske snage.

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Dance is my life. The only thing I really know is the feeling of sublime pleasure that fills me as I dance or hug my children. In my world, the art of movement and the art of motherhood are quite close, if not identical. It is about the moment of creation, in both cases. Because the duty of us, who are responsible for transmitting a particular dance story or gene, is a great and rare honor. Mothers, artists, can be regarded as a kind of priestesses, poets, storytellers who, in the process of making or maintaining love, themselves enter into states of delight. I also believe that every time we seek or express our soul is acceptable, and if we are not artists or parents, since our ultimate goal is just to be happy, to some extent. Since ancient times, the practice of dance, especially in the rich cultures of India and the Orient, has been considered one of the highest forms of yoga practice, that is, a connection to spiritual bliss. Dancing Before and After Pregnancy The role of mother, who has currently occupied all of my free time, previously invested in exercise or contemplation, now presents me with the new challenges of being a good parent. How to be a good dancer I already know, tears, blood and sweat and persistence seen in endangered species and here and there drops of nectar of bliss … In the role of mother, that nectar constantly pours over me, but also the challenges that I face every day with my devils . Dance before pregnancy was the invocation of partner love, dance in pregnancy was the invocation of the divine power to help with childbirth, and dance after pregnancy now finally brings me back to my true self, to me as a realized mother, wife and artist. I don’t think I need to ask anymore, I have received the greatest gifts, and thank you to Dance who made me feel sorry for that. In keeping with the nature of the female body and spirit, Belly Dance is one of the most ancient forms of recorded dance art ever. We find it back in the time of the ancient culture of Mesopotamia, where it was performed by chosen devotees in the glory of Mother Earth, the Cosmic Woman-Mother; the feminine sides of the Absolute, the gentler side of the Ultimate or Pure Act.

The purpose is more than obvious: the glorification of femininity, infatuation and love, pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, joy and sorrow, cruelty and pride, loneliness and togetherness … Belly dancing is in harmony with the nature of the female body and spirit. It is favorable for muscular structure and for female bones and joints and internal organs, which is fully in function of controlled movements of the whole body. Belly dance relieves stress, influences positive thinking and opens up worlds in us undetected but intentionally constantly present. Worlds in which a woman values ​​herself precisely because she is current and true to her femininity, and that is the source of her true strength.

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