Marinela A’Mariyah i MABRA


Oriental Fusion Team pozdravlja Marinelu Amariyah iz Zagreba, koja će se predstaviti vlastitim plesnim programom MABRA. Marinela i MABRA, očekuje vas toplo naša fuzijska scena!

Marinela se prvi put susrela sa orijentalnim plesom prilikom posjeta Americi, gdje je ostala oduševljena muzikom i ljepotom pokreta gledajući jednu plesnu predstavu. Do povratka u Zagreb, u njoj je tinjala želja da i njoj netko prenese to znanje i da razvije to umijeće. U Zagrebu vrlo brzo upisuje tečaj orijentalnog plesa u Plesnoj školi “Zuzana” i uči od Ivane Tyre. Nakon što 2009.g. osvaja titulu Miss Orijenta Senior na festivalu “Orientfest”, priključuje se show grupi škole sa kojom redovito nastupa i 2010.g. počinje podučavati. 2013.g. sa kolegicom Brankom Kovač otvara Centar “A’Mariyah” gdje osmišljava vlastiti plesni program MABRA. Glavni fokus stavlja na nesputanost pokreta, slobodu izražaja i spajanje sa vlastitom duhovnošću.  Kroz rad na MABRI ples počinje doživljavati na potpuno drugačiji način. Otkriva njegovu iscijeljujuću moć, i posvećuje se tome da ženama pomogne otkriti ljepotu susreta sa samom sobom.


Marinela A’Mariyah and MABRA


During her visit to America, watching dancers at a show,  Marinela became enchanted by the beauty of oriental dance, it’s music and movements. A silent desire was born, that someone will pass on that knowledge to her, and that she too will develop that skill. Very soon after returning to Zagreb, she starts taking oriental dance classes from Ivana Tyra at Dance School “Zuzana”. In 2009 she wins the title Miss Orient Senior at “Orientfest”, a croatian festival of oriental dance, and after that, joins the show group of her dance school, performs regularly, and in 2010 starts to teach oriental dance. In 2013, with her dance colleague Branka Kovač, she opens Centre “A’Mariyah” where she develops her own dance programme, MABRA. She puts the main focus on the freedom of movement, freedom of expression and connecting to ones own spirituality. Through working on MABRA she starts to perceive dance in a totally different way. She discovers the healing power of dance, and dedicates herself to helping women discover the beauty of meeting their own essence.
