Katarina Markov

Na naše iznimno zadovoljstvo predstavljamo vam talentiranu plesačicu Katarinu Markov, a ponajviše zbog ogromne emocije koju umije tako nesebično pokazati i podijeliti s publikom. Katarina, dobro nam došla!
Katarina Markov plesačica je koja dolazi iz Zagreba, a orijentalnim plesom bavi se od svoje 16 godine. Započela je u plesnom studiju Nefertiti kod Aide Priliplije Jakuš gdje se i prvi put susrela s romskim stilom Roman Havasi. Učila je i od Ozgena Ozgeca i Paole Blanton te mnogih orijentalnih plesača. Bila je članica plesne skupine Nefertiti. Posljednje skoro 4 godine bila je članica plesne škole Ritam Plesa kod Nikoline Stepić i članica njene skupine Meral. Unutar plesne škole Ritam plesa počinje samostalno voditi svoju grupu Romani chaj (romska djevojka) s kojom sudjeluje na nastupima i festivalima. Učila je i plesala bollywood stil, kod Gayatri Mondal s kojom je bila na brojnim nastupima i na festivalima, kao solist i u grupi. Kao plesačica je posebna jer uvijek prvo ističe emocije, a tek potom tehniku. Voli prenositi ljubav za ples na publiku i svoje učenice.

Katarina Markov is a dancer from Zagreb and she started to dance oriental dance since she was 16 years old. It all began at the dance studio Nefertiti led by Aida Priliplija Jakus where she first met the roma style Roman Havasi. After, she learned from Ozgen Ozgec and Paola Blanton and many oriental dancers.and was a member of Nefertiti show group. Last four years she was the member of the dance school Rhythm of the dance led by Nikolina Stepic and also was a member of a show group Meral. She participated numerous performances, festivals and competitions. Within the dance school of Nikolina Stepic, she begins to lead her own group Romani chaj (Roma girl) with wich participates many festivals. She taught and danced boolywood style with Gayatri Mondal with whom she participated in many performances and festivals, solo and in group. As a dancer, she likes to emphasize emotion while dancing, in front of tehnique. She likes to transmit love for dance to her audience and students.
