Roman Havasi

Katarina Markov

Što je to Roman havasi? Roman havasi je tursko romski stil za koji je karakterističan 9/8 ritam. To je poseban ples, nije trbusni ples ili pod stil trbusnog plesa. Na ovoj radionici naucit cemo nesto osnovno o romskoj kulturi i o stilu ovoga plesa, te ritam i neke od koraka i kombinacija koje cemo spojiti u kratku koreografiju.


What is Roman havasi ? Roman havasi is Turkish Romany style which is characterised by 9/8 rhythm . This is a special dance , not a belly dance or some kind of belly dancing . In this workshop we will learn something fundamental about gypsy culture and the style of this dance and rhythm. Some of the steps and combinations we will connect in a short choreography.
